Add Tender Prices to a Quote

You can pull the supplier price directly into the Quotes page.

To add supplier prices to the Quotes page, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Menu > Quotes > Quote Search.
  2. Use the filters to search for the quote.
  3. In the Quote # column, click on the quote ID to display the quote details.
  4. In the Tender ID column for the item that you want to update, click on the tender ID icon (Update Cost of Item Icon) to display the Update Cost of <item> pop-up.
    Note: Make sure that you click on the icon. If you click on the Tender ID hyperlink, TrafficLIVE displays the Tender page.
  5. Select the most appropriate seller price from the Update Cost of <item> pop-up.
  6. Click Import. The cost of the purchase line item on the quote is updated with the tender supplier price.
  7. Click Update to save your changes.